Here are a few projects I've been working on lately. Click a screenshot to checkout the site!

The WebDLMon as we call it at NEES offers a real-time display of current temperatures, voltage stats and more. I used WebSockets ( as an alternative to AJAX to allow our researchers to keep the window open at all times without refreshing (nice to know ASAP when a machine stops reporting). The front end is written in Backbone Marionette and is written with maintainability and adaptability in mind. Check out the source on Github.

An animation rich web app to track equipment statistics at various NEES affiliated strong motion monitoring stations. The front end is written in Backbone.js with D3 to render the station channel list in a slick tree view. Check out the source on Github.

An interactive webcam viewer that allows the general public to watch live feeds from various earthqake monitoring sites. I wrote the back end in Node.js and the front end in Backbone with require.js. This is one of the first web applications I built, so, while the code might not be entirely solid, I learned a lot from the process and look back on it fondly.

A forum for promoting seismic data awareness. I built the COSMOS forums site in Drupal with a custom, responsive theme. Users can sign up and communicate over private messages or on the message board. There’s also a cool relational system built in that allows users to associate forum posts about new data with their group.

I built and designed the Remote System monitor as a dashboard for checking the histories and current statuses of seismic data aquisition hardware across the United States. I use HighCharts to graph CPU usage and disk full samples. There are really too many cool visualizations to mention here, so why don’t you check it out for yourself? There’s plenty to click on!

A dashboard for statistics on all of your Drupal core installations as well as multisites. I contributed a setting that allows users to hide inactive or disabled sites by default in the domains list.

A data dissemination portal to download data from current and past recorded seismic events. I worked with another NEES programmer on a bit of the MooTools front end and PHP backend. I also integrated the app as a single page application within the NEES drupal website.

AngularJS speaks for itself, but my contribution was minor to say the least. Just a couple very small edits to the documentation. Still, worth mentioning that I’ve got my stamp on it!